Bou si fai lo
Share the happiness

FuQi day:

31 December 2024 - 10 a.m. until
1. January 2025 - 10 a.m. (CET)

Many thanks to Master Dean Li, Daosheng, and Daoming. They give for everyone a FuQi Day at the turn of the year, to share the happiness and to go on solving karma. With their help, anyone can connect with the FuQi – the energy of happiness – during these 24 hours and let it flow on to others. In China, FuQi Day takes place almost simultaneously. 

Anyone who would like to, can take part in the FuQi Day. Registration on the website DEAN.lc is required by Monday, 30 December 2024, 6 p.m. The actual FuQi Day takes place on the invisible level, which means that there is no DEAN Center program itself, but one connects spiritually with the energy, for example in a silent practice or by thinking about the FuQi Day in between. Participation in the FuQi Day itself is free of charge. It is hold by DEAN Center – by Master Dean Li and his sons Daosheng, and Daoming, who are also responsible for it on the energetic level. 

You can register yourself, other people, ancestors or animals for the FuQi Day. If you want to register someone, it is important to have contact and a feeling for them; ‚contact‘ comes from the heart, says Master Li. 

Anyone who feels an honest and realistic wish for themselves or someone else they are registering has the opportunity to enter this wish in the form when registering. This wish will be transmitted to DEAN Center.

If you have any questions about registration, suggestions or feedback on the FuQi Day, please send an email to fuqi@deanmethode.de.

until December 30th 2024, 8 p.m. (CET)

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