Hello, mynameis Birgit. I havebeenfollowingthedeep and healingteachingsof Master Dean Li since 2010. The principleofthe DEAN methodhasbeen an indispensable partofmylifeeversince – bothprofessionally and privately. Working withyoungpeoplewhoareconfrontedwithpsychologicalchallengesisparticularlyclosetomyheart. Itis a deeplyfulfillingexperiencetoseehowthe DEAN method, which I usemore and moreas a matter ofcourse, opensup a new, holisticperspective on theirsituation.
Nicola and I are in theprocessofdeveloping a projectforchildren, teenagers and youngadults. Ouraimistocreate a spacewheretheycancalm down, reconnectwiththeirspirit and theirorigins – torediscoverthemselves and theworld, get back in touchwiththemselves and lead a moreharmonious, lighterlife. This projectis supported by Master Li and hissonsDaosheng and Daoming.
I also work in partnershipwith Master Dean Li and hissons on variousprojects:
Courses forbeginners: I offer ‘DEAN Qigong forbeginners’ aspartof a smallteam at theDEAN Healing Practice. In ourcoursesweteachinterestedpeoplethe DEAN method and practisetogether.
Seminars:Togetherwith a colleague, I organiseseminars in whichwecombinetheapproachesofherbalmedicinewiththeprinciplesofthe DEAN method and thenaturalrhythmoftheseasons.
DEAN Theatre: As partoftheteam, I support this spiritual theatreproject.
Already on ourtriptoFuQi Village at theendof 2019, where German and Chinese studentsof Master Li met and exchangedideas, I felt a deepdesire in myheartforusto network moreand more in orderto bring goodnessintotheworld. Thatwecancontinuetospreadtheenergyand theheart–spirit connectionthatwebuildtogether and thusdissolveourkarmamore and more. An international DEAN familythatcarrieshappinesswithinitself and passesit on. Bo Si Fai Lo. on and on…
So I am delightedwith all myheartthatwecannow all cometogether in Singapore and set a newpointofconnection. Thankyou so muchforthiswonderfulinvitation, Mrs Lin Dengli. I am verymuchlookingforwardtomeetingyou in personsoon.