Hello, my name is Ralf and I have been a student of Master Dean Li for over 15 years. I first met Master Li over 20 years ago during a treatment in his practice. That first treatment was a very special experience for me: Something new and unique happened to me and for a moment I felt an unknown harmony that I had never experienced before. I felt a connection.
As a student of Master Dean LiI went through the basic training programme several times and participated in many seminars and other projects of the DEAN Method. This heart-opening work with Master Li changed my life in a very positive way. In 2017 I followed an inner calling to share my experiences with the DEAN Method with others in partnership with Master Dean Li. For me, workingwith Master Dean Li and his sons Daosheng Li and Daoming Li is filled with happiness, inner growthand FuQi.I am currently involved in the following projects:
DEAN e.V.: The non-profit organisation DEAN e.V.fosters natural, traditional ways of maintaining health. It focuses on Master Dean Li’s DEAN Method. The DEAN Association offers retreats, lectures, practice groups and other opportunities to build up FuQi. I am a member of the board.
DEAN Heilpraxis(DEAN Healing Practice): Together with our partners Birgit Baltzer and Anne Zillmannwe offer a regular online course for beginners and advanced students to practice the DEAN Method. For inner peace, healing and development.
DEAN Theater:This spiritual theater is a unique healing format where individual issues, problems orkarma can be worked on in a group process during the night. I am a part of the team.
DEAN Partnership: DEAN support for my professional work as a photographer.