Who am I and what is my relation to the DEAN METHOD
My name is Mareike Fuchs and in a few days I will travel to Singapur with some other students of the DEAN METHOD from Germany and also from China. Even this fact at the beginning of this little essay includes joy and happyness for me. In my opinion it is such a great opportunity for getting together and to learn more about the other students and the other culture. It seems as if this journey/ this encounter can be a symbol for one important thing that we learn in the DEAN METHOD: to have an open heart and to be friendly with and open to other people. I am so thankful for the generous invitation to Singapur and to be in contact with and about our experiences with the DEAN METHOD.
I practice the DEAN METHOD for more than ten years. To say the truth I often have the feeling that I – until now – have just understood some little pieces of the deepth and the truth in this method and the philosophy beyond. But I can also say that I have the emotion of a big gratitude for learning this method thanks to Master Li, his sons Daosheng and Daoming and our community of students. When the common understanding of our community grows I can feel that my connection to my spiritual origin also grows. So every part of our community is connected with the other in a deep way. The developing common insights make a better understanding of the principle of life possible. The DEAN METHOD is so much more than just „moving exercises fot the body“ or tint the sounds of the five organs – even if all these practices are part of the learning and understanding.
I want to give one example how the DEAN METHOD influences my daily life: My profession is social worker and for more than twenty years I am working at in- or outpatient hospice services. That means that my collegues and I try to take care for and give assistance to people who are severe ill or who are even dying. We also give support to the relatives. Our work is also known as Palliative Care.
The last time in the life of a human beeing is very special and also important because you can describe it as „condensed“.
Maybe there are physical symptoms which have to be treated well. But also the spirit and the soul has to cope with the situation and the change of the state.
Often before before visiting the ill people or talk to the relatives I take one moment of time and do a short practice. In this time I beg my spirit to open my heart for the upcoming encounter and to find teh best fitting words.
Nevertheless I am doing this work for several years I am often deeply touched by the experiences I am often allowed to have in contact withe the patients and/ or the relatives.
Some time ago I had to visit a young mother who was very ill and going to die. My duty was to talk about the future of her daughter (9 years old) and how she can cope with this situation. The mother, the daughter and I sat together at the table in the living room. At the beginning of this meeting I started to talk with the daughter about her most favourite book and the mother and I looked – together with the daughter – at the funny pictures of this book. We laughed a lot and suddenly the mother said to me: With this laughing my heart will be healed. This moment was really special and I felt a deep connection.
That is one of a lot more stories I can tell. I am really convinced that by practicing the DEAN METHOD and trying to understand the deeper philosophy it is so much easier for me to be open to my opposite and act with an open heart. Although I know that sorrow and sadness can also be companions of my work.
With the DEAN METHOD and the teaching of Master Li I have understood that it is very important to be in connection with my spiritual source, to learn how to deal with my own energy and how important it is to understand the own history and behaviour. The better I can understand this the better I can be helpful for my environment.